Unyts Blood Drive
Niagara University will host a Unyts Blood Drive on Wednesday, Jan. 25, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. This drive will be a little different than those in the past. Unyts will be using their Donate Life Express Buses. They will be located in the Kiernan Center parking lot on Wednesday, Jan. 25, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. There will be two buses each day to help accommodate everyone.
You can sign up for any appointment ahead of time online by copy and pasting this web address: https://www.unytsblooddonor.org/index.cfm?group=op&hlc=002063. It will take you right to our drive site to schedule an appointment for either day.
Walk-ins are also welcome. Make sure to have photo ID with you, as it is required. Please help Unyts make this one of their best blood drive yet at NU.