Vincentian Seminarian Spends Apostolic Month At Niagara University

In Announcements, by , on March 9th, 2017

Thomas King arrived at Niagara University to commence his month of apostolic mission, which is equated to an internship experience for a seminarian. He lived in residence with Niagara’s Vincentian community and performed service on campus and at several community locations, most notably Mount St. Mary’s Hospital Neighborhood Health Center and the Heart, Love and Soul food pantry and soup kitchen.

King, only 26 years old, emits a calm and disarming demeanor that belies his age. While he’s smart and affable, he’s apt to let others speak first, illustrating the trademark Vincentian humility to listen and accompany.

“Vincentians do that all the time. They show God’s love by being attentive and present,” King reasoned.

King departed Monteagle Ridge at the end of February. Soon, he’ll begin working toward a master’s degree in theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.

Click here to read more about Tom King.