WANTED: Host families for international students

In Announcements, by , on May 11th, 2015

We are in need of warm, wonderful families to host our new International students coming to Niagara Catholic Jr./Sr. High School in Fall 2015.  We are excited to bring students from all over the world to our school through our partnership with Niagara University.  What an awesome opportunity this affords everyone.  We are fostering an open door cultural school, better reflecting the reality of America today.   

However, we need your help.  The students are English speaking, kind, academically strong, polite and eager to become involved in Niagara Catholic programs.  Now they are hoping to become part of your family.  If you have ever thought about hosting an exchange student, now is the time to act. 

There is a monthly stipend to offset expenses.  Please contact Amanda Konopa at 283-8771 ext. 260 or akonopa@niagaracatholic.org for more information and to begin a host family application.