Webinar TODAY: Off-campus trips
All are welcome. If you are interested in participating contact student affairs at ext. 8405 or email Betty Andropolis at Send Email.
The webinar will be held Tuesday, March 31, 2015, in the Gallagher Center MPR, from 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Case law has established that if a faculty member makes an off-campus trip a necessary part of the educational experience, the more the faculty member manages how the students travel to and from the off-campus location, the more liable that faculty member — and the institution — is. Administrators share a similar position when planning organized trips for athletic events, student activities and volunteer experiences. No trip is immune from a potential lawsuit.
Foreseeability and negligence are key concepts that should worry you with regard to off-campus local and regional trips, because there are liabilities and risk associated with the choices you make when coordinating and managing transportation and conduct. This webinar will help you align policy with practice so you can coordinate off-campus trips in a way that will minimize risk to your institution, you and your students. You’ll be able to accomplish educational goals with less worry – despite limited resources – with the development of policies and procedures that limit bureaucracy and protect all involved constituents.
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