Welcome to new employees for the month of July 2015
Please join us in welcoming our new employees for the month of JULY.
William J Bisher, campus safety officer, July 26, 2015, Send Email
Liberty DelRosario, assistant women’s basketball coach, 7July 16, 2015, Send Email
Jeffery Dillon, assistant women’s basketball coach, July 27, 2015, Send Email
Heather Gerace, assistant athletic trainer, July 27, 2015, Send Email
Averl Harbin, director of multicultural affairs, July 2, 2015, Send Email
Michael Litten, campus safety officer, July 26, 2015, Send Email
Jerrell Mason, residence director, July 1, 2015, Send Email
Edward Millar, curator of folk art, July 7, 2015, Send Email
Valerie Nolan, director of sponsored programs and foundation relations, July 29, 2015, Send Email
Jada Pierce, head women’s basketball coach, July 1, 2015, Send Email
Susan Roarke, assistant athletic director – compliance, July 1, 2015, Send Email
Louis Roth, utilities – facility services, July 20, 2015.
Gunner Thomas, campus safety officer, July 26, 2015, Send Email