From September 2015

New addition at CHTM

In Announcements, by , on September 22nd, 2015

It’s a Girl! Katie DeCecco, director of experiential opportunities in the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management, and her husband Erik, welcomed Camilla Rose on Monday, Sept. 21. She was born at 2:50 p.m. and weighed 7 lb. 10 oz. … More

Deaf Awareness Week: Tuesday events

In Today's Events, by , on September 22nd, 2015

The following activities have been planned for Deaf Awareness Week: Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22 and 23 Fundraiser for St. Mary’s School for the Deaf o   11 a.m. – 2 p.m., lower level Gallagher Center front tables o   Selling: pumpkin … More

Nearly 200 Attend Mental Health Conference At NU

In Announcements, by , on September 21st, 2015

Nearly 200 individuals – from Niagara University and the greater Buffalo-Niagara community – participated in Changing Our Minds: A Mental Health Summit, which was held Saturday in the Castellani Art Museum. Tasked with fighting stigma, apprising people about the signs … More

Undergraduate fall open house 2015

In Announcements, by , on September 21st, 2015

The office of undergraduate admissions will host its first of two open house programs scheduled for this fall.  Registration begins at 9 a.m. but will be open early to accommodate early arrivals.  The program consists of tours of campus, tours of … More

Pack a Snack for Local Youth

In Announcements, by , on September 21st, 2015

Stop by lower level Gallagher Center to help make after school snack bags for local youth. These snack bags will be given to children who attend the Magdalene Project’s Kidz Club, an afterschool program that provides a safe environment for … More