Articles by Ellen Batrouny

The Crossing Borders Conference

In Announcements, by , on October 19th, 2016

March 17-18, 2017 Niagara University will host the Crossing Borders conference, a multi-disciplinary student conference, from March 17-18, 2017. Our conference partners are the Consulate General of Canada, Brock University and the University at Buffalo. The keynote speaker is Dr. … More

Lunch & Learn: Thursday, Oct. 27

In Upcoming Events, by , on October 19th, 2016

The director of the Vincentian Lay Missionaries, a summer service experience for young adults in Kenya and Ethiopia, will offer a presentation on Thursday, Oct. 27, at 12 p.m. in the Gallagher Center multi-purpose room.  Lunch will be provided.  RSVP … More

Quarterly Sprinkler Testing

In Announcements, by , on October 19th, 2016

The quarterly sprinkler testing for the Oct. 2016 quarter will take place according to the schedule below. It is not necessary to vacate the buildings for this work, but we have attempted to schedule when occupancy is reduced. Please contact facility … More

Vincentian Mission Survey: Deadline Oct. 21

In Announcements, by , on October 19th, 2016

Every year members of the Niagara University community participate in an 18-month program called the Vincentian Mission Institute, during which representatives of NU’s faculty, staff, and administration study the importance and impact of the Vincentian mission to our university’s identity. … More

Flu Shot Clinic: TODAY

In Today's Events, by , on October 18th, 2016

Niagara University will sponsor a flu shot clinic on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016, from 6-8 p.m., Gallagher Center multi-purpose room, FAMILY NIGHT, by appointment, geared towards family and children. Walk-ins are welcome! Bring your families!! Call to schedule a family … More