Articles by Ellen Batrouny

Campus ministry brown bag lunch: TODAY

In Today's Events, by , on September 16th, 2016

Please join Fr. Jean Robert Bonenge for the first brown bag lunch of the semester, this Friday, Sept. 16, at 12 p.m. in Gallagher 110.  Please bring your lunch.  The topic of “The Healing Power of Forgiveness” will be discussed.

Message from facility services

In Announcements, by , on September 16th, 2016

Alumni Concrete Replacement On Friday, Sept. 16, concrete replacement will take place outside of Alumni Hall.  This work will involve the removal or busting of concrete which will be noisy, followed by the pouring of new concrete.  The area will … More

Undergraduate Fall Open House

In Upcoming Events, by , on September 16th, 2016

This fall, the office of undergraduate admissions will host two open house programs scheduled for Saturdays, Oct. 15 and 29, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.   The programs will be similar to years past.  Requests for assistance with open house … More

NU Lions Club fundraiser at Menchies

In Announcements, by , on September 16th, 2016

The NU Lions Club will hold a fundraiser at Menchies, 1520 Military Road (Wal-Mart plaza), in Niagara Falls, on Wednesday, Sept. 28.  Please support our Lions Club by visiting Menchie’s on your lunch hour or after work.  You must present the … More

Who’s interested in a Fall Shredfest?

In Announcements, by , on September 16th, 2016

Are you and your department interested in participating in a Fall Shredfest? If so, please email Katie Cauley at with an estimate of how many boxes you and/or your department would have. If there is enough interest, a Fall Shredfest … More