Articles by Ellen Batrouny

New addition at CHTM

In Announcements, by , on September 22nd, 2015

It’s a Girl! Katie DeCecco, director of experiential opportunities in the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management, and her husband Erik, welcomed Camilla Rose on Monday, Sept. 21. She was born at 2:50 p.m. and weighed 7 lb. 10 oz. … More

Deaf Awareness Week: Tuesday events

In Today's Events, by , on September 22nd, 2015

The following activities have been planned for Deaf Awareness Week: Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22 and 23 Fundraiser for St. Mary’s School for the Deaf o   11 a.m. – 2 p.m., lower level Gallagher Center front tables o   Selling: pumpkin … More

Undergraduate fall open house 2015

In Announcements, by , on September 21st, 2015

The office of undergraduate admissions will host its first of two open house programs scheduled for this fall.  Registration begins at 9 a.m. but will be open early to accommodate early arrivals.  The program consists of tours of campus, tours of … More