Hold Descriptions

In Announcements, by , on February 21st, 2014

Dear University Community;

Registration holds go up today and students will begin to receive their hold e-mails. It is very important that students get the information in a timely fashion so they can take care of any holds they may have. Students get an e-mail once a week with their holds and what to do to take care of their specific hold. We also offer one on one help with forms if they need it. If you know of a student who is having problems please ask them to come and see me – I have an open door policy, or Customer Service for help with forms. It is important that students and parents have options as soon as possible. Students should see their advisor, get advised, and their advisors should unlock them, so as holds are cleared they can register. Please make sure all advisors have this information, because it is very frustrating for students to get their hold cleared and discover they have not been unlocked by their advisor. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to let me know. I appreciate your help.


Martie Howell

Director of Student Accounts
716-286-8300 phone
716-286-8379 fax

Hold descriptions