#NUGiveToday – March 30

In Announcements, by , on March 27th, 2017

#NUGiveToday is an energized 24-hour, online and telephone campaign to increase philanthropy among the NU community. On that day, we invite all Purple Eagles to come together, show their Purple Pride, and make a gift to support our students and help fund campus initiatives. We ask that on March 30, 2017, you take these two simple steps:

  1. Make your gift at: www.niagara.edu/nugivetoday or by phone: 716.286.8787 from 9 a.m.-9 p.m.  Even if you already made a gift this year, a second gift on #NUGiveToday is appreciated. Donations of $10 or more will count toward participation matches and donors are automatically entered to win a customized NU chair from MyCustomSportsChair.com.*
  2. Encourage your friends and colleagues to join you. Post a photo of yourself in NU gear. Print your “I Gave” flyer on your email receipt and post a selfie. Sample emails and posts you can use are available here.  Remember to use #NUGiveToday in all your correspondence.

It’s an ambitious undertaking and we know that we can impact the lives of thousands of students. Together, we are The POWER of NIAGARA.

*No donation required to enter. Register by emailing name, address and phone number to Send Email.