Fall: the noun that becomes a verb

In Announcements, by , on October 21st, 2015

Come find out how at the next Sustainability Committee meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 12:20 p.m. in Gallagher Center multi-purpose room. Fall is in the air. The daylight hours become progressively shorter.  We have passed the autumnal equinox (when there are … More

Help support Christmas Adopt-a-Family

In Announcements, by , on October 21st, 2015

Are you, your office, or your department interested in participating in our Christmas Adopt-A-Family?  “Adopting” consists of committing to assist a local family with Christmas gifts, including clothes, toys, hygiene products, and household items.  If interested, please contact Ashley Serwon … More

University Mass of Remembrance

In Announcements, by , on October 21st, 2015

Campus ministry will offer a special Mass of Remembrance on Monday, Nov. 2, at 12:15 p.m. in Alumni Chapel for employees who have lost a loved one this past year.   Following the Mass, there will be a lunch reception at … More