The Library and History 199 Present “The Unessay”
Help us celebrate student research:
When: Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 10:15-11 a.m. and 11:20 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Where: Niagara University Library, Second Floor
Students were given the task to show their professor what they’ve learned this semester about U.S. history (post-1945) in any medium BUT a traditional research paper. They selected a specific research topic for their project early in the semester and located a combination of primary and secondary sources.
Students were given a wide range in the kinds of projects they could create. They were encouraged to apply their knowledge to create an original piece of art, photography, music, dance, poetry, a map, a zine, a board game, and so on! This flexibility has allowed students to think about the intersections between their major, the practice of history, their hobbies, and other knowledge that they’re learning at NU!