Articles by Ellen Batrouny

Welcome to new employees for the month of Feb. 2015

In Announcements, by , on March 2nd, 2015

Please welcome our new hires for the month of Feb. 2015:  Jonathan Brady, assistant volleyball coach, 2/1/2015,  Catherine A. Kern, programmer analyst, 2/16/2015,  Marissa S. Pace, benefits manager, 2/23/2015,  Veronica Thor, admissions advisor, 2/23/2015,  

Move it Monday: March 2, 2015

In Announcements, by , on March 2nd, 2015

Tune In, Tone Up Make the most of tv time by adding exercise. Use weights and resistance bands while watching, or get off the couch during commercials for cardio activities like running in place and jumping jacks. Even if you … More

Healthy Monday Tip: March 2, 2015

In Announcements, by , on March 2nd, 2015

Breathe to Beat Stress Indigestion, changes in appetite, muscle tension, problems sleeping, a racing heart, dizziness, a clenched jaw, headaches, and aches and pains are all signs of stress. Giving yourself time to pause and breathe deeply when you encounter … More

Campus Digital Signage: Policy and Procedures

In Announcements, by , on March 2nd, 2015

The digital signs across campus are an excellent means of promoting news, events and activities to the university community by reaching staff, faculty and students alike.  These billboard-style announcements must meet the following specifications: Wording: These billboard-style announcements should contain … More

Writing Discussion: Tuesday, March 3

In Today's Events, by , on March 2nd, 2015

This year is the 25th anniversary of the writing center at Niagara University.  We’d like to celebrate by hosting discussions about writing in different disciplines beginning with business and communications.  Dr. Shawn Daly, professor Chris Aquino and professor Carrie Isard … More

Sustainability Committee Meeting

In Announcements, by , on March 2nd, 2015

At NU, everyone is responsible for green, sustainable, and forward-thinking use of resources.  In that spirit, the membership of the Sustainability Committee (SusCom) is open to all faculty and staff, so please join us on Wednesday, March 4, at 12:20 … More

Writing Discussion: Tuesday, March 3, 2015

In Upcoming Events, by , on February 27th, 2015

This year is the 25th anniversary of the writing center at Niagara University.  We’d like to celebrate by hosting discussions about writing in different disciplines beginning with business and communications.  Dr. Shawn Daly, professor Chris Aquino and professor Carrie Isard … More

Faculty Writing Support Group

In Upcoming Events, by , on February 26th, 2015

The faculty writing support group will meet this Friday, Feb. 27, from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m., in St. Vincent’s Hall, Room 107. All faculty, both full time and adjunct, are welcome. Participants should come prepared to discuss their current writing … More