Daily Mass notice

In Announcements, by , on December 15th, 2014

There will be no daily 12:15 p.m. Mass starting Thursday, Dec. 18 .  Daily Mass will resume on the first class day, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015.

Move it Monday: Dec. 15, 2014

In Announcements, by , on December 15th, 2014

What’s Your Intensity? There are varying degrees of exercise intensity. Light-intensity activity, like cooking or shopping, doesn’t require much effort. Moderate-intensity activities like a brisk walk or flat bike ride work your heart, lungs and muscles, causing you to sweat. … More

Healthy Monday Tip: Dec. 15, 2014

In Announcements, by , on December 15th, 2014

Off Limits Can Lead You Off Track Forbidding certain foods is a common weight-loss strategy, but studies have shown that this can actually lead to overeating. Restricted dieters often satiate cravings for their forbidden food by eating other high-calorie items, … More

Holiday Food Drive on campus

In Announcements, by , on December 12th, 2014

The NU criminal justice department, in partnership with U.S. Border Patrol, will sponsor its fourth annual holiday food drive on campus. In our first three years, we’ve collected close to 4,000 pounds of canned goods and other non-perishables.   Once again … More

Annual Employee Christmas Party

In Upcoming Events, by , on December 12th, 2014

You are invited to share the joy of the Christmas season with the Niagara University community at our annual Employee Christmas Party on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014. The festivities will begin with a special Christmas Mass at 2 p.m. in the … More