Mark your calendars: 2 Good 2 Toss

In Announcements, by , on April 29th, 2014

Save the Date: Again this year, employees who participated in the Vincentian Mission Certificate program are organizing “2 Good 2 Toss.” The goal of the second annual “2 Good 2 Toss” is to keep usable items out of landfills. Before … More

NU Relax Week

In Announcements, by , on April 29th, 2014

Students will have many opportunities to relax during finals week this year. Many clubs, organizations and offices are holding events and programs to encourage students to take a study break and relax. Please see attached poster for more information. If … More

Healthy Monday Tip: April 28, 2014

In Announcements, by , on April 28th, 2014

Embrace Your Creative Side Recent research shows that cultural activities, such as going to a museum exhibit or creating an art display, increase happiness and satisfaction in life while decreasing depression and anxiety. Activities that involve being active in the … More

Ridgefest Student Photo Essay

In Announcements, by , on April 24th, 2014

Ridgefest, Niagara University’s annual end-of-the-school-year celebration, took place April 9-13. Coordinated by Campus Activities, it featured a variety of events and activities each day for the enjoyment of the entire Niagara University community. Read the recap (and view photos) by … More

Niagara University Unveils Family Literacy Center

In Announcements, by , on April 24th, 2014

Niagara University’s College of Education held an event Wednesday, April 23, to officially unveil the Family Literacy Center. The center, which is housed in the university’s Academic Complex, is an on-campus educational opportunity for graduate students to demonstrate teaching while enhancing the … More