Healthy Monday Tip: April 21, 2014

In Announcements, by , on April 22nd, 2014

Get Out and Go! Outdoor activity may provide more benefits than staying inside. In a recent study, those who exercised outside reported a more enjoyable experience and left feeling more energized and less tense. Getting out into nature can also … More

Paperless Payroll

In Announcements, by , on April 22nd, 2014

Niagara University is a proud participant in the Presidents’ Climate Commitment, which includes a promise to reduce our greenhouse gases and use of natural resources. This past summer, the Resource Stewardship Task Force estimated that the university could annually save … More

Spring Shred Fest

In Announcements, by , on April 22nd, 2014

It’s finally here — that magical time of year when our thoughts turn to spring cleaning, and we can once again assess our need to shred confidential documents. Retention guidelines can be found in the Document Retention Policy posted under … More

Young Women’s STEM Camp 2014

In Announcements, by , on April 22nd, 2014

By 2018, there will be an estimated 1.2 million job openings in the United States in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, with a significant shortage of qualified applicants to fill them. President Barack Obama has gone on record numerous times to … More

NU Theatre Presents “Curtains”

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

NU Theatre will present the award winning murder mystery musical, “Curtains” from April 24 through May 4, 2014. The production will be on stage in the Leary Theatre within the Elizabeth Ann Clune Center for Theatre, Clet Hall, at 7 … More

NU Saves Paper Through Payroll Goes Paperless

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

Niagara University is a proud participant in the Presidents’ Climate Commitment, which includes a promise to reduce our greenhouse gases and use of natural resources. This past summer, the Resource Stewardship Task Force estimated that the university could annually save … More

Baby Photo Contest Extended Through April 30

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

The Office of International Relations’ baby photo contest has been extended. Please submit a baby photo and a current photo of yourself to the Office of International Relations at by Wednesday, April 16. The photos will be posted on … More

College of Education Offering Summer STEM Camps

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

According to US2020, by 2018, there will be 1.2 million job openings in the United States in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, with a significant shortage of qualified applicants to fill them. President Barack Obama has gone on record numerous times to stress … More

Heritage Way Closing

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

Heritage Way will close this Thursday and Friday for repairs. The catch basin and asphalt will be replaced during this time. Please contact Tina Young at ext. 8431 with any questions.