Singers Needed for Commencement Liturgy

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

Singers are needed to help lead the community in song at the Commencement Liturgy. Mass will be held at 4 p.m. in Upper Level Gallagher Center on Friday, May 9. Please contact Kristina Schliesman ( if you are able to … More

Heritage Way Temporary Closing

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

Heritage Way will close this Thursday and Friday for repairs. The catch basin and asphalt will be replaced during this time. Please contact Tina Young at ext. 8431 with any questions.

Niagara University Joining National Day Of Action

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

The White House recently announced that the first national day of action will take place April 30, 2014. “America’s PrepareAthon!” is a nationwide, community-based campaign to build a more secure and resilient nation by getting more Americans to understand what disasters could … More

Sprinkler System Testing

In Announcements, by , on April 15th, 2014

Please be advised that quarterly sprinkler system testing will be conducted on April 17 and 18. Please see the schedule below. The timing of these inspections have been chosen while the university is closed for Easter break, however, there should … More

Faculty Spotlight Videos

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

Father Maher has spoken repeatedly of our faculty’s excellence, saying that they are as impressive as any he’s seen. As such, the Office of Communications is creating a series of faculty profile videos, which will speak to our professors’ credentials … More

Save the Date: 2 Good 2 Toss

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

Once again, employees who participated in the Vincentian Mission Certificate program are organizing “2 Good 2 Toss.” The goal of the second annual  “2 Good 2 Toss” is to keep usable items out of landfills. Before leaving campus, students will be … More

Interested in a Spring Shredfest

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

It’s finally here — that magical time of year when our thoughts turn to spring cleaning, and we can once again assess our need to shred confidential documents. Retention guidelines can be found in the Document Retention Policy posted under … More

Baby Photo Contest Extended Until April 30

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

The Office of International Relations’ baby photo contest has been extended. Please submit a baby photo and a current photo of yourself to the Office of International Relations at by Wednesday, April 16. The photos will be posted on … More

Employee Timesheets

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

Timesheets for the pay period April 6-19 must be completed and approved before we leave for Easter break on Wednesday. The next payroll will be transmitted on Tuesday, April 22. It is important that the timesheets are complete and approved … More

Dining Menu

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

Clet Soups:  Chicken Ditalini Soup, Puree of Cauliflower soup Gallagher Soups:  Chicken Tortilla, Cream of Potato Bisgrove Soup: Italian Wedding Faculty Dining Room: Chicken Ditalini soup, Grilled Chicken Fajitas, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Spaghetti with sauce

Campus Ministry Thanks You

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

Campus Ministry and the NU St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to express heartfelt gratitude for the generous donations for the children’s Easter baskets. Because of your generosity, 98 Easter baskets were assembled and distributed to families in our … More

Videos, Videos, Videos

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

For those who’ve been living under a rock, there’s been A LOT going on at Niagara University over the past several weeks. Since we know you’re busy, we’re offering links to event recordings as well as videos that have been … More

Athletics Updates

In Announcements, by , on April 14th, 2014

Happy Easter! The entire Niagara Department of Athletics would like to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Easter, along with a fun and safe few days off. Get your rest because when you return to Monteagle Ridge, there … More

Guest Speaker from Mayo Clinic TODAY

In Today's Events, by , on April 14th, 2014

Dr. David Martin, associate professor of anesthesiology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, will give a lecture on the challenges facing modern medicine, especially those involving the protection of patient safety. His lecture, entitled “My Health Care is Killing … More